Research interests

Atomic electron tomography, Computational physics, Electron microscopy, Deep learning, statistical data analysis and algorithm development


Postdoctoral researcher

2023.10.1 - present
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA
(Advisors: Michael Whittaker & Mary Scott)

Postdoctoral researcher

2023.3.1 - 2023.09.30
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
(Advisor: Yongsoo Yang)

Additional Activities

Qiskit hackathon korea 2022
2022.2.7 - 2022.2.10
IBM-qiskit, QCenter

Topic: Quantum Machine Learning Using Hybrid Quantum Neural Network

Adventure research program for MS/Ph.D. students
2019.3 - 2020.2
KAIST College of Natural Sciences, Korea

Topic: Machine Learning Title Creator

Teaching Experiences

TA, Advanced Solid State Physics 2, graduated level
2022.9 - 2023.2
TA, Advanced Solid State Physics 1, graduated level
2022.3 - 2022.8
TA, Modern Physics
2021.3 - 2021.8
TA, Special Topics in Physics (Neural Network for Physicists)
2020.9 - 2021.2
TA, Physics of Magnetism, graduated level
2020.3 - 2020.8
TA, Genenal Physics 1
2019.9 - 2020.2
TA, Solid State Physics 1
2019.3 - 2019.8
TA, Genenal Physics 2
2018.9 - 2019.2
TA, Genenal Physics 1
2018.3 - 2018.8



MAS Student Poster Award, M&M 2022
Outstanding oral presentation award, 2022 Korean Society of Microscopy Spring meeting
Best poster presentation award, ICAMD2021
Outstanding poster award, 2021 Korean Society of Microscopy Spring meeting
Adventure research program for MS/Ph.D. students, KAIST College of Natural Sciences
Presentation award, The 12nd BK21+ Young Physicists Workshop, KAIST
Outstanding poster award, 2019 Korea Physical Society Fall meeting


High-Fidelity 3D Imaging Achieved Through Multislice Electron Tomography Using 4D-STEM (Oral)
M&M 2023 (Microscopy and Microanalysis), Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S. (July 23-27, 2023)
Advanced 3D Imaging via Multislice Electron Tomography using 4D-STEM (Oral)
IUMAS8, Banff, AB, Canada (June 11-16, 2023)
Multislice Electron Tomography using 4D-STEM: A High-Precision Approach to 3D Imaging (Invited talk)
2023 Korean Physical Society Spring meeting, Korea (April 19-21, 2023)
Observing 3D surface/interface atomic structure of 0D nanomaterials (Invited talk)
KAIX Future of Physics Workshop, KAIST, Korea (Dec 26-27, 2022)
Three-dimensional atomic resolution imaging via multislice electron tomography using 4D-STEM (Oral)
2022 Korean Society of Microscopy Fall meeting, Korea (Nov 2-4, 2022)
Direct observation of three-dimensional atomic structure of twinned metallic nanoparticles and their catalytic properties (Oral)
2022 Korean Physical Society Fall meeting, Korea (Oct 18-21, 2022)
Single-atom level determination of 3D surface atomic structure via neural network-assisted atomic electron tomography (Poster)
M&M 2022 (Microscopy and Microanalysis), Portland, Oregon, U.S. (July 31 - Aug 4, 2022)
Single-atom level determination of 3-dimensional surface atomic structure via neural network-assisted atomic electron tomography (Oral)
Nano Korea 2022, Korea (July 6-8, 2022)
Direct observation of three-dimensional atomic structure of twinned metallic nanoparticles and their catalytic properties (Oral)
2022 Korean Society of Microscopy Spring meeting, Korea (June 30 - July 1, 2022)
Single-atom level determination of 3-dimensional surface atomic structure via neural network-assisted atomic electron tomography (Poster)
The 12th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD2021), Korea (Dec 6-10, 2021)
Single-atom level determination of 3-dimensional surface atomic structure via neural network-assisted atomic electron tomography (Poster)
2021 Korean Society of Microscopy Spring meeting, Korea (June 3-4, 2021)
Single-atom level determination of 3-dimensional surface atomic structure via neural network-assisted atomic electron tomography (Oral)
2020 Korean Society of Microscopy Fall meeting, Korea (Nov 12-13, 2020)
Deep learning filter of tomograhic 3D reconstruction in atomic electron tomography (Poster)
2020 Korean Physical Society Spring meeting, Korea (July 13-15, 2020)
Machine Learning Title Creator (Poster)
Adventure research program for MS/Ph.D. students, KAIST College of Natural Sciences, Korea (Feb, 2020)
Deep learning noise filter of 3D reconstruction in tomography (Poster)
The 12nd BK21+ Young Physicists Workshop, Korea (Feb 3-4, 2020)
First-principles study of van der Waals magnetic materials: CrOX (X = Cl, Br) bulk to monolayer (Poster)
The 22nd Asian Workshop on First-principles Eletronic Structure Calculations, Japan (Oct 28-30, 2019)
First-principles study of two-dimensional van der Waals magnetic materials: CrOCl and CrOBr (Poster)
2019 Korean Physical Society Fall meeting, Korea (Oct 24-26, 2019)
First-principles approaches to two-dimensional magnetic materials (Poster)
The 15th KIAS Electronic Structure Calculation Workshop, Korea (July 4-5, 2019)
Reexploring the magnetism of two-dimensional intrinsic magnetic materials, CrOX (X = Cl, Br) via first-principles calculations (Poster)
2019 Korean Physical Society Spring meeting, Korea (April 24-26, 2019)

Honors and fellowships

Jung H.Shin Scholarship (outstanding dissertation award), KAIST, 2023
Samsung Humantech Paper Award Bronze Prize, 2023
Pre-doctoral Fellow of Physics at KAIST, 2022
Early graduation ('with great honor, summa cum laude'), Korea University, 2017
LOTTE Foundation Fellowship, 2017
National Science & Technology Scholarship, Korea, 2016-2017
Academic Excellence Scholarship, Korea University, 2013/2015


(*: equal contributions)

  • Revealing the three-dimensional arrangement of polar topology in nanoparticles
  • C. Jeong, J. Lee, H. Jo, J. Oh, H. Baik, K. Ko, J. Son, S. Choi, S. Prosandeev, L. Bellaiche, and Y. Yang
    Nature Communications 15, 3887 (2024).
  • Multislice Electron Tomography Using Four-Dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • J. Lee, M. Lee, Y. K. Park, C. Ophus, and Y. Yang
    Phys. Rev. Appl. 19, 054062 (2023).
  • Direct strain correlations at the single-atom level in three-dimensional core-shell interface structures
  • H. Jo, D. H. Wi, T. Lee, Y. Kwon, C. Jeong, J. Lee, H. Baik, A. J. Pattison, W. Theis, C. Ophus, P. Ercius, Y. Lee, S. Ryu, S. W. Han, and Y. Yang
    Nature Communications 13, 5957 (2022).
  • Direct observation of three-dimensional atomic structure of twinned metallic nanoparticles and their catalytic properties
  • J. Lee, C. Jeong, T. Lee, S. Ryu, and Y. Yang
    Nano Lett. 22, 665–672 (2022).
  • A measure of active interfaces in supported catalysts for high-temperature reactions
  • S. Lee, H. Ha, K. T. Bae, S. Kim, H. Choi, J. Lee, J. H. Kim, J. Seo, J. S. Choi, Y. Jo, B. Kim, Y. Yang, K. T. Lee, H. Y. Kim, and W. Jung
    Chem 8, 1-21 (2022).
  • Hund’s physics and the magnetic ground state of CrOX (X=Cl,Br)
  • S. W. Jang*, D. H. Kiem*, J. Lee*, Y.-G. Kang, H. Yoon, and M. J. Han
    Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 034409 (2021).


  • 3D atomic structure determination method and a 3D atomic structure determination device using 4D-STEM data
  • Y. Yang, YK. Park, M. Lee, and J. Lee
    Korea, Application No. 10-2023-0046346 (2023)
  • Apparatus for determining 3D structure of coalesced nanoparticles and method thereof
  • Y. Yang, J. Lee, and C. Jeong
    Korea, Application No. 10-2022-0039184 (2022)
  • Apparatus for determining 3-dimensional atomic level structure and method thereof
  • Y. Yang, J. Lee, and C. Jeong
    US, Application No. 17/132,762 (2020) / Korea, Application No. 10-2020-0176633 (2020)